
Friday, 11 January 2008

Understanding Content Type IDs

This is a topic that is confusing to many developers, and this post aims to clear up some of the issues around Content Type IDs, how they are structured and how you can extend them.

Content Types are re-usable definitions for meta-data that can be stored in Lists and Libraries in SharePoint. I won't go into them in too much detail, you can find a reasonable amount of information about Content Types here and Content Type IDs here on MSDN.

Content Type IDs
As you should know, Content Types are based around inheritence (and if you didn't know that, then you should have followed the links above more carefully :P). Each content type inherits from a parent content type (apart from System which is the root of all Content Types). A child content type will automatically have the same site columns that the parent has.
You can see this structure in the "out of the box" (ootb) Content Type IDs:

0x = System
0x01 = Item (inherits from System)
0x0101 = Document (inherits from Item)
0x0120 = Folder (inherits from Item)

Basically you have a {ParentID}{ChildID} structure.
This goes for all of the ootb Content Types (and you can find a list of them all in the WSS 3.0 SDK, downloadable free from Microsoft).

Custom Content Types
If you want to customise Content Types then you are looking at a slightly different ball game. For some reason (don't ask me) you cannot use the same {ParentID}{ChildID} structure. Instead you have to use a {ParentID}{00}{GUID} structure.

So lets say you wanted to create a Custom Content Type that inherits from Document and call it "Demo Document". You would create the ID as follows:

0x010100763A775BFF7849a0A65FE1F57F56CC33 = "Demo Document"

Now lets say you want to inherit from "Demo Document" and create a further child, say "Demo Sales Document", you would create the following:

0x010100763A775BFF7849a0A65FE1F57F56CC3301 = "Demo Sales Document"
0x010100763A775BFF7849a0A65FE1F57F56CC3302 = "Demo Sales Document"

Note that here we already have a custom Content Type ID, so we can just go back to {ParentID}{ChildID} again.

So each "child"  of a custom content type simply adds a unique 2-digit  id on the end of the Content Type ID. If you wanted more child types you would add "02", "03" and so on.

And you can go one step further, if you wanted to create another "child" section, for example:

0x010100763A775BFF7849a0A65FE1F57F56CC3301 = "Demo Sales Document" (inherits from "Demo Document")
0x010100763A775BFF7849a0A65FE1F57F56CC330101 = "Demo Sales Order Form" (inherits from "Demo Sales Document")
0x010100763A775BFF7849a0A65FE1F57F56CC330102 = "Demo Sales Invoice Document" (inherits from "Demo Sales Document")

So from this you can create simple and effective "Parent - Child" relationships throughout your Content Types which allow you to manage your meta-data quickly and effectively.

In the above structure, if you want to add a custom column to all custom documents? You just modify "Demo Documents" and it will also update all of the child content types too!

Closing Thoughts ...
One final thing to be careful of. If you are using CAML (Collaborative Application Markup Language) then you need to be aware of the following:
Modifications to a Content Type applied through a CAML based feature will NOT update child content types!!!!!
If you want to make sure that child content types are updated then you either have to make the change through Site Settings --> Content Type Gallery, or make your changes through managed code (such as C# using the SharePoint API).
Both of those give you the option of updating all child Content Types .. but CAML does NOT (unless I am mistaken, please let me know if I am! :))

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